The Three Horseshoes – Under New Management

The Three Horseshoes has been acquired by Naseem Qume who lives in Horspath village but who has close ties to Garsington and only recently moved from the village.

She has put in place staff to run the pub and is in search of a chef to start on a very part time basis to provide food as soon as possible. The plan is to start off with a weekly Sunday roast and a weekly curry night, and to steadily progress from there. Coffee mornings are planned once she has sourced a coffee machine. The aim is to offer food and lunches every day of the week subject to sales.

The plans include refurbishing the old stables to provide staff accommodation and to use the upper parts for bed and breakfast lettings.

Naseem would be very keen to hear from anyone who is interested in being employed to:

  • Maintain the garden
  • Manage the coffee mornings
  • Do some Sunday roasts

The Three Horse Shoes will only be successful if it is supported and regular updates will be provided to the Garsington Community Benefit Society.

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