Privacy policy

The Society adheres to the principles of the Data Protection Act, even though it is exempt from registration with the Information Commissioner as a not-for-profit organisation, and will use and process personal data only for the purposes of the Society.

We will keep your personal information secure and up to date, and will:

  • only use it for the purposes for which it was gathered, and
  • not keep it longer than necessary

Any information you provide to this website will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018. It will be used by the Garsington Community Benefit Society in the preparation of business plans, grant and loan applications and funding initiatives for the purchase and subsequent management of the Three Horseshoes.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information may be shared with other parties for these purposes.

Any Personal data supplied as part of the appliation for shares will be used solely for the purpose of maintaining a register of members and potential members as required by the rules of the Society, and for communicating with members.

Personally Identifiable Information will only be used for keeping you informed of the share offer, future progress and communicating with members and may be passed onto a GDPR compliant e-mail forwarding service for this purpose but will not be passed onto any other third party without your permission.

Members’ financial information, such as amounts invested, share classes purchased, and interest paid will be treated as strictly confidential, and will not be shared even within the Management Committee except as necessary for managing the Society (eg when making decisions about whether withdrawal requests can be funded).

The information will be held safely in a secure environment, and will be held for a minimum of one year, after which period it will be reviewed for further retention or destroyed in a secure manner.

If you are receiving e-mails which you no longer wish to receive, please contact us at