Save The Three Horseshoes …and create a community hub for all.

You may be aware that Garsington’s last remaining pub, The Three Horseshoes, is up for sale.

Although the pub has huge potential, recent tenants have been unable to make it a success. The pub itself is – and will remain – protected as a community asset, so a change of use is not an easy option for those who may wish to purchase the site as a development opportunity.

A number of local pubs have been successfully transformed after being purchased by the community, including The Seven Stars at Marsh Baldon and The Abingdon Arms at Beckley.

At a public meeting on 6th June, there was overwhelming support from residents for creating our own success story – this isn’t just about saving our pub, it’s about building a successful business that serves the needs of the whole community.

Since the meeting, we have been exploring how the village might acquire and safeguard the pub. We have received a fantastic level of interest from people who wish to be involved and many have made financial pledges towards the purchase.

We are now moving into stage two of the process and are intending to submit a bid for the pub within the next two months. We are inviting everyone in the village to:

  • Tell us what you would like from the pub via a questionnaire.
  • Let us know if you would be willing to make a financial contribution to help acquire the pub.
  • Let us know if you would like to be involved in some other way.

We will be holding a meeting at the Village Hall at 7.30pm on 5th September 2019 to outline more detail of how the purchase will work. If you can’t make this one, please come along to a meeting at the Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm on 9th September instead.